Precise Planning and Execution #GRIMsays

Precise Planning and Execution #GRIMsays

Heading from metro to home I realized that most people are stuck in their daily routine and have no clue what they are missing day-bay-day. They all want luxurious lives, the abundance of money and more over everything they see. A new life, a beautiful wife, a new car, a new home; new, new, and new.
What they usually forgot is to make any plans for it. I asked one of a close friend that what is his idea. How badly he wanted to become rich, he said all planned in my mind brother and I cannot stop myself asking "Could you please pen down your business idea for me, I would like to invest on it" and I am not that glad to ask him because he doesn't have a precise idea of his business. He just claimed that he knows everything that is needed to be done, but no clue how it will going to happen. What will be the strategies behind it?
I was watching him in his eyes there was no spark, no imagination, no richness while describing what he wants as it seems like he knew that it will never be going to happen to him. He said "I want to be rich" and cried out while saying so and again opened his mouth for the first time of life correctly saying "Dude, I am doomed...Read More
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